
We found 5 results for „Aliens”

April 28, 2023Mysteries
The Dropa Stones consist of 716 circular stone discs, each measuring approximately 30 cm in diameter, with inscriptions resembling hieroglyp
May 4, 2023Mysteries
One of the most fascinating theories linking our ancestors with the presence of ancient astronauts is the idea of nuclear explosions in anti
May 4, 2023Mysteries
Erich von Däniken, a Swiss writer and researcher, famously suggested that the Nazca lines in Peru are clear evidence of contact with an extr
April 28, 2023Mysteries
OOPARTS, an abbreviation of "Out-of-Place Artifacts," refers to objects discovered by archaeologists and artifact hunters that seem out of p
April 27, 2023Mysteries
The enigmatic Mayan crystal skulls have long fascinated scholars and enthusiasts alike.