Accepting this theory would mean admitting that ancient aliens were involved in the history of humankind.
Theories about ancient aliens have been fiercely debated, and those that propose the occurrence of nuclear explosions on Earth between 50,000 BC and 1908 AD are particularly contested.
Recognition of the validity of such hypotheses would evoke feelings of inferiority and discomfort after realizing that there exist civilizations in the Universe that have exceeded our economic, technical, social, and military advancement by tens or even thousands of years.
Nuclear Explosions in Ancient Times?
Apart from the well-known atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, scientists discovered records suggesting that some ancient civilizations knew of the catastrophic consequences of nuclear explosions.
But how was this possible? How could people who lived thousands of years ago be witnesses to nuclear blasts? Maybe ancient aliens had something to do with that?
The discovery of vitrified rocks, ruins of cities or entire civilizations annihilated by massive explosions, irradiated fossils and objects, as well as documents describing atomic blasts dating back thousands of years, provide evidence supporting the stunning hypothesis that ancient aliens may have intervened in our past.
The atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki resulted in human mutations, causing dreadful diseases such as leukemia and deformities in newborns, such as babies born with three legs, goose paws instead of hands, small limbs, or even without eyes.
Moreover, many survivors of the bombings suffered permanent scars, such as abdomens fused to the spine, prominent chests, exposed and arched ribs, elongated faces with downward-moving cheekbones and lower jaw, among others.
Although the two atomic bombings were dreadful, scientists were astonished to discover that similar phenomena had been reported in human history thousands of years before the Hiroshima and Nagasaki events.
The possibility of nuclear explosions in antiquity remains a subject of debate, with some experts arguing that natural phenomena, such as volcanic eruptions, could have caused the vitrification of rocks.
However, the evidence of irradiated objects and ancient documents describing atomic explosions cast doubts on such claims.
If such hypotheses turn out to be accurate, they could revolutionize our understanding of human history and the development of civilizations by adding new dimensions to our current knowledge.
And where the science fails to provide satisfactory answers, the ancient aliens theory fills the gasps.
Erich von Daniken's Fascinating Theory
The scientific explanations provided for theories supporting the existence of ancient extraterrestrials and atomic weapons in antiquity still need to be improved.
However, the evidence can’t be ignored. And more and more people understand that ancient civilizations might have had contact with ancient aliens.
Obtuze scientists try to explain radiation traces and vitrified rocks by attributing them to “the work of glaciers,” ruins were ignited by “fires,” and cities were destroyed by “lightning.”
And actual documents and manuscripts are often dismissed as “badly translated” or “copied incorrectly.”
Therefore, any new evidence that supports the ancient aliens theory (ancient astronauts) is immediately dismissed and “reanalyzed” in an attempt to integrate it into the well-known mosaic of classic theories about the history of mankind.
In his book Memories of the Future, Erich von Daniken wrote about the possibility of nuclear explosions in ancient times:
Let us admit, for a moment, the terrifying yet unfortunately plausible idea that our civilization could be destroyed in a nuclear war.
If future archaeologists were to excavate the remains of the Statue of Liberty in New York 5,000 years from now, they would likely conclude, based on the current model of thinking, that it was a deity unknown to them, perhaps a goddess of fire (due to the torch) or a Sun deity (perhaps due to the rays surrounding the head of the statue).
Given the current scheme of thinking, it would not even cross their minds that it could simply be the Statue of Liberty.
If scholars were to discover texts that relate to the two world wars of the twentieth century, ships weighing one million tons, buildings reaching 600 meters in height, planes weighing 600 tons that exceeded the speed of sound, rockets that reached Mars and Venus, crews on the Moon, and submarines at the bottom of the ocean (all of which were impossibilities for a nineteenth-century civilization), they would be viewed with skepticism.
Scholars would categorically affirm that the documents are ‘poorly translated,’ ‘misinterpreted,’ ‘pure fantasies,’ or simply ‘mythology.’
Subway galleries might be interpreted as catacombs (or perhaps sewer systems), and destroyed city buildings might be viewed as failed attempts by the people of the twentieth century to build stone houses instead of animal skin tents and wooden huts.
Since most modern metal objects would be destroyed by nature in a few thousand years, future scholars would likely conclude that metals were not known in the twentieth century.
Ancient Astronauts: Did They Trigger Nuclear Explosions on Earth?
According to the ancient aliens theory, the presence of tektites provides convincing evidence of nuclear explosions in ancient times.
In several regions all over the world, scientists have discovered vitrified rocks, sand glass, and tektites (solid rocks melted at extremely high temperatures, resulting in heavily irradiated glass-like material).
The characteristics of the analyzed glass and vitrified rocks are inconsistent with moraines or lava fragments, which are produced by volcanic eruptions.
The distinctive shape, chemical composition, and geographical placement are inconsistent with a volcanic or glacial origin.
Even the most forceful volcanic explosion, Krakatau in 1883, could not have hurled these tektites thousands of kilometers from the blast site.
Boiling lava that reaches 2,000 degrees Celsius (about 3,600 degrees Fahrenheit) is not hot enough to create vitrified glass.
Volcanic fragments do not contain traces of radioactivity, and the composition of materials from the Earth’s depths differs from that of vitrified rocks.
Traces of vitrified rocks and sand can be found worldwide, from the Andean highlands to the depths of the oceans, in regions where glaciers never existed.
Even in glaciated regions, vitrifications are distinct from moraines, indicating a particular chemical composition and shape that confirm the melting process followed by rock solidification.
Glaciers move in a single direction, leaving moraines that indicate the path taken. However, vitrifications show several opposing directions emanating from the same central point.
It is implausible that the massive glaciers, whose surface areas ranged from 12,000 to 120,000 square yards (10,000 to 100,000 square meters), flowed in ten opposing directions.
Many of the tektites discovered are similar to the vitrified sand in the form of a massive black glass crater created after the atomic explosion in the Jornada del Muerto desert and the melted stones of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
All this evidence seems to support the idea of ancient aliens being involved in the history of mankind.

More Shocking Evidence of Nuclear Explosions in the Past
The ancient aliens theory proponents provided even more extraordinary evidence to support their hypotheses.
These discoveries raise questions about the possible existence of advanced civilizations in the distant past capable of harnessing nuclear technology.
And given the findings, there is no surprise adherents of the ancient aliens theory speculate that these vitrified rocks are clear evidence of nuclear explosions in antiquity.
Glassy vitrified sands found in Iraq and the Gobi Desert and large black tektites discovered in Lebanon, Australia, France, India, Chile, and South Africa contain radioactive isotopes of aluminum, beryllium, and other elements.
These materials were exposed to strong radioactive bombardment thousands of years ago and extreme temperatures ranging from 9,000 to 11,000 degrees Fahrenheit (about 5,000 to 6,000 degrees Celsius).
In April 1967, Dr. Bruce Heezen of the Lamont Geological Observatory (Columbia University, USA) provided evidence that tektites taken from the bottom of the Pacific and Indian Oceans near the coasts of Japan, Africa, and Australia suggest that about 700,000 years ago, an object with a diameter of 1,000 meters exploded in the Earth’s atmosphere before hitting the ground.
The explosion likely caused the overturning of the planet’s magnetic field, a phenomenon that is still unexplained.
Archeologists discovered the ruins of an ancient city destroyed thousands of years ago by a catastrophic event in Death Valley.
The city’s stone buildings were obliterated, the sand was vitrified, and the rocks were transformed into tektites. On the walls, archeologists observed strange black silhouettes, like shadows of smoke.
Chemical analysis ruled out an exploding meteorite or volcanoes as the cause of the devastation.
The temperature required to vitrify rocks is over 11,000 degrees Fahrenheit (6,000 degrees Celsius), which can only be attained through a nuclear explosion.
However, no evidence suggests that human civilization could produce such a powerful nuclear explosion when the vitrified rocks were formed.
Secrets of Ancient Hindu Texts
In 1587, the Tibetan King Bsod-nams Rgya-mtsho declared himself the Dalai Lama, making him Tibet’s supreme spiritual, political, military, and administrative leader.
Under his leadership, important secret archives were established that contained descriptions of remarkable natural phenomena, historical events, machines, mechanisms, and weapons, as well as geographical, astronomical, meteorological, and geological information, studied by learned Lama leaders from the isolated mountain monasteries known as “gompa.”
Nearly 200 years later, a civil war brought the opposing party’s leader to power, who sought to destroy these invaluable archives. Although some Tibetan documents survived, most of them remain undisclosed.
Among the few that have been made public are the ancient “books” (collections of information and data) called Tantjua and Kantjua.
They describe pre-historic flying machines made of iron alloys and a hard, black metal, which American researchers in Science and Mechanics magazine identified as titanium.
However, it was not until 1970 that a large percentage of titanium (about 93%) was used for the first time in constructing the American SR71 Blackbird.
Titanium is the only metal capable of withstanding the temperature generated by friction between the fuselage and atmospheric air at 3.5 Mach – over three times the speed of sound.
Both Tibetan books categorically prohibited the dissemination of this information, which was to remain strictly confidential and accessible only to the leaders of the monasteries and the Dalai Lama.
The Tantjua and Kantjua collections also contain astronomical information that could only have been obtained through sophisticated observation methods, including descriptions of star constellations, eclipses, and planetary movements.
These accounts indicate that ancient Tibetan astronomers had extensive knowledge of celestial mechanics.
Furthermore, the texts describe a range of advanced weaponry, including incendiary weapons, chemical weapons, and advanced forms of artillery, which suggests that ancient Tibetan civilization had impressive technological prowess.
Weapons as Powerful as a Thousand Suns
Ancient Hindu poems, including the Ramayana, Mahabharata, and Vedas, mention remarkable weapons and aircraft.
One of the most notable references can be found in the Bhagavad Gita, a text over three thousand years old, which reads:
Said Djanamedjaia in steadfast decisions:
‘I will prepare a great sacrifice…
And when the light of a thousand suns will explode in the sky,
I shall be the destroyer of worlds.’
Another fragment tells of the destruction of three cities with a “single projectile charged with all the power of the Universe.”
After the explosion, “a column of incandescent smoke and flames, bright as a thousand suns, rose in all its splendor over the whole Earth.”
The book Samarangana Sutradhara dedicates an entire chapter to describing large aerial ships whose sterns scattered “fire and mercury” during the journey.
However, “fire” does not have an exclusive signification of combustion in ancient writings. Dozens of electric and magnetic phenomena or chemical reactions are grouped under this general term.
Did the Tibetans and Hindus describe aircraft built of titanium and using mercury as fuel?
In fact, the ion engines designed today rely on propulsive plasma obtained from mercury vapors. The ancients knew that heavy metals were an energy source, but how they acquired this knowledge remains a mystery.
It’s also intriguing that ancient writings often use the phrase “bright light like a thousand suns” when describing remarkable phenomena.
At that time, no stronger light sources existed than the Sun on Earth. So, why did they repeatedly use this wording?
Could these ancient texts be the conclusive proof the ancient aliens theory adherents seek? Could ancient astronauts have shared some of their advanced knowledge with the ancient Tibetan civilization?
The Flying Vehicles of the Gods: An Examination of Ancient Indian Texts
The Hindu book Samsaptakabadha provides detailed descriptions of the “gods flying machines” and ground vehicles. The two types of vehicles are clearly differentiated by the emphasis on the “fire” emitted by the bright aircraft of the gods.
The Ramayana, estimated to be over 5,000 years old, describes Vimanas that flew at great heights, propelled by mercury, and produced a strong air current.
The term “flying vehicles” is an astounding term for that period, indicating the advanced nature of these machines.
It is unlikely that ancient Hindus discovered the reaction engine. However, the ancient aliens theory (ancient astronauts) can explain the existence of these strange texts.
According to this theory, extraterrestrial beings visited Earth in ancient times and shared their advanced knowledge and technology with early civilizations. The Vimanas described in ancient Indian texts could be the result of this extraterrestrial intervention.
The Vimanas were highly maneuverable, capable of ascending or diving sharply, flying at incredible speeds, and stopping almost instantly.
Such performances are still inaccessible to today’s modern aircraft.
During takeoff and landing, Vimanas produced a thunderous noise, as described in the Ramayana: “At Rama’s order, the wonderful vehicle rose with a deafening roar to the tops of the white clouds” (translation by N. Dutt, Calcutta, 1891).
These details eliminate the hypotheses of excessive fantasy, translation errors, and ritual symbols.
No “god” in the classical concept of divinity would have needed to use such noisy vehicles that consume mercury as fuel and generate air currents and flames, since they could appear and disappear by uttering a sacred formula.
However, ancient aliens would have needed such means of transportation.

The Terrifying Weapons Described in Mahabharata
The Hindu epic Mahabharata is estimated to be between 10,000 and 7,000 years old and is known for its astonishing accounts of ancient Indian culture and mythology.
In the first book of this great epic, it is stated that Arjuna, the son of Kunti and the sun god, encountered the master of the sky, Indra, and his wife Sachi, who led a “battle chariot crowned with rays.” After being taken on board the chariot, it takes flight.
In the eighth book, a similar adventure happens when Judhisthira is chosen by Indra to reach the sky and return to Earth after being welcomed in the same chariot crowned with rays to teach people the “law of wisdom.”
Mahabharata also provides in-depth descriptions of terrifying weapons angry gods use against “evil men.”
The epic includes accounts of atomic, bacteriological, biological, radiological, and meteorological weapons. Chroniclers of the Mahabharata tell of a weapon that caused drought in an enemy country for 12 years or another that killed the “fetus in the mother’s womb.”
In the eighth book, an interesting text could be considered the first description of a thermonuclear bombardment on Earth.
From the board of a powerful Vimana flying high in the air, Gurkha launched a single projectile on the enemy city. A white, shining smoke, ten thousand times brighter than the sun, rose with unbearable incandescence.
As a result of this event, a city “passed into non-existence.” This account resembles the explosion of the American hydrogen bomb on the Bikini Atoll.
After landing, Gurkha’s vehicle “seemed a shining block of antimony.” The holocaust was in full swing, and everything happened like a release of elements.
The Devastating Aftermath of the Ancient Indian Weapon
Mahabharata describes the horrifying aftermath caused by a deadly weapon, as the sun spun in a circle while the world was engulfed in flames.
The weapon was so powerful that it caused vapor to hang in the air, and the elephants, burned and panicked, ran in all directions to escape the terrible scourge.
The water boiled, animals died, enemies were vanquished as flames engulfed the trees, and thousands of homes were destroyed.
After the carnage, silence descended upon the sea and land, and the view was terrifying. The corpses of the fallen were so withered by the unprecedented heat that they no longer resembled human beings.
The weapon was deadly first to soldiers with metal weapons or armor, and only those who had rid themselves of their equipment survived.
They washed for a long time in running waters, for everyone was affected by the “poisoned breath of the gods,”
The luckiest only escaped with nausea, hair loss, and nail fall. Everything alive became pale and weak.
Interestingly, removing equipment and washing your body in running water is recommended for cleaning up radioactive fallout from human personnel in modern armies.
These ancient descriptions, supplemented by numerous references to temperature, duration, number of victims, area of spread, and secondary radiation effects of the holocaust, are so realistic that they give rise to an impression, at least strange, by their similarity to the reports that were made after the explosions of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
The destructive power of the ancient Indian weapon raises questions about the possible involvement of ancient aliens.
Could our ancestors have been visited by beings from space, and could the “old gods” be nothing more than ancient aliens who descended among the common people?
The Noisy Aircraft of the Gods
Another passage from the same Mahabharata, written approximately 10,000 years ago, recounts an event in which Bhima flew with his vimana, leaving behind a vast line of light brighter than the sun, and producing a sound like thunder.
This “line of light” could not have been a comet’s tail, as no sound would have been heard from the sky in that case. Rather, it appears to be a kind of “condensation trail,” similar to those produced by jet aircraft or possibly resembling the rear light beam projected by some unknown aerial objects recently observed.
Regardless, this strange vehicle, resembling modern rockets or reactors, is described too technically to be considered mere fantasy.
Why would the “gods” need to move so noisily?
Cloud formations would be dark and silent, while globular lightning would not follow a straight trajectory for such a long distance.
These “identifications” are just as convincing as the claim that the weapon responsible for the destruction of ancient Indian cities, “turning them into nothing in an instant,” was a massive fire or a volcanic eruption.
It must be assumed that the authors of the Mahabharata could distinguish between natural and artificial phenomena. After all, what fire could have spread simultaneously over several square kilometers, directed from top to bottom?
As for the hypothesis of a volcanic eruption, the characteristic elements of such an eruption, like the fall of stones and ash, the lava wave, or toxic gases, are not even mentioned.
Moreover, there have been no reported volcanic eruptions in the Indian Peninsula in the past 100,000 years.

The Destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah: A Tale of Ancient Aliens and Nuclear Explosions
The story of Sodom and Gomorrah is one of the most fascinating and controversial stories in the Bible.
The populations in the area lived in large, strongly fortified settlements for that period, numbering up to 10,000 houses. Numerous archaeological findings indicate that the population of such a city-state could reach between 20,000 and 60,000 inhabitants in the 5th and 2nd millennia BC.
According to the book of Genesis, the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed by fire and brimstone, a punishment from God for the wickedness of their inhabitants.
However, some researchers and ancient aliens theory proponents believe that the destruction of these cities was not caused by God but rather by ancient astronauts and nuclear explosions.
Recent research has shown some areas near the Dead Sea where soil radioactivity reaches 20 micro Roentgen, and no form of plant or animal life exists today except for microorganisms.
Although no traces of destroyed cities have been discovered, the borderline region of the Dead Sea’s deserted shores is a vast salt desert stretching over hundreds of square kilometers and is practically unexplored and unknown.
Proponents of the ancient aliens theory argue that the story of Sodom and Gomorrah is evidence of an extraterrestrial presence on Earth and that the destruction of these cities was caused by a nuclear explosion.
The theory goes that the aliens provided humans with the technology to create nuclear weapons, which were then used to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah.
The intense heat and radiation generated by the nuclear explosion would explain the biblical account of fire and brimstone raining down on the cities.
Additionally, the theory suggests that the aliens may have used the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah to warn humanity about the dangers of nuclear weapons.
Additionally, the Bible contains passages that some interpret as references to nuclear weapons, such as Ezekiel’s description of a “great furnace” that will rain down destruction on the wicked.
At Ancient Theory we only use trusted sources to document our articles. Such relevant sources include authentic documents, newspaper and magazine articles, established authors, or reputable websites.
- Sodom and Gomorrah. [Source]
- Sodom and Gomorrah Destroyed.
- Christopher C. Doyle - The Mahabharata Secret. Om Books, 2013.
- Negi Shalini - Top 8 Dark Secrets Of Mahabharata That Will Shock You!
- Ancient astronauts. [Source]
- Robert Charroux - One Hundred Thousand Years of Man's Unknown History.
- Michael D. Olien - Did Ancient Astronauts Bring Civilization? The Human Myth: An Introduction to Anthropology. Harper & Row Publishing.
- Powerful Evidence of Nuclear Wars in Ancient Times -
- Jon Austin - Proof of time travel? Bizarre claims nuclear bomb was detonated in India 12,000 years ago.
- Nuclear Event in Ancient India -