This ancient practice is often associated with voodoo dolls, animal sacrifice, and nocturnal drumming rituals.
However, there is much more to Voodoo than these sensationalized depictions.
Voodoo is recognized as a legitimate religion in Central and South America, including states such as Puerto Rico, Haiti, Brazil, and the Dominican Republic, as well as in Africa.
In fact, it is estimated that there are over 30 million unregistered practitioners of Voodoo in West Africa alone, even though some African regimes forbid the practice of this religion entirely.
What Is a Voodoo Doll?
The term “voodoo doll” typically refers to an effigy into which pins are inserted.
While this practice is encountered in various types of traditional magic practiced by some populations around the globe, voodoo dolls are often erroneously associated with Vodou (Haiti) or Voodoo (Louisiana) magic.
In reality, voodoo dolls are not only specific to these two regional magic types.
Crafting a voodoo doll is a complex and nuanced process that should not be undertaken lightly.
Novices who do not fully understand the ramifications of this form of magic can easily fall victim to their own curses and misfortunes.
While some may seek to create a voodoo doll to win the heart of a loved one, others may use it for revenge against someone who has wronged them.
Regardless of the motivation behind creating a voodoo doll, it is crucial to understand that this form of witchcraft is closely linked to the emotional state of the practitioner and requires a form of “payment” in exchange for the benefits offered.
Voodoo involves forming connections to the afterlife and communicating with supernatural entities or spirits.

Creating a beneficial voodoo doll to help loved ones requires a positive mentality and a solid moral compass. On the other hand, voodoo dolls used for malicious purposes, such as casting a curse, require the exact opposite.
Novice Voodoo practitioners may struggle to adapt their state of mind to the final purpose of the magic, which can lead to undesirable, even tragic results.
Crafting a Voodoo Doll: A Step-by-Step Guide
To craft a voodoo doll, seeking guidance from an experienced and knowledgeable practitioner is essential.
Only through a thorough understanding of the intricacies of this ancient practice can one hope to harness its true power.
If you want to make a voodoo doll, here are some steps to follow.
Step 1: Gathering the necessary materials
To make a voodoo doll, you will need natural materials such as cotton fabrics, straws, twigs, earth, clay, wax, paper, or even animal bones, horns, or teeth.
The choice of materials will depend on the purpose for which the doll will be used.
For instance, a lock of hair or objects belonging to the person targeted can be used to make the doll more powerful and effective.
Step 2: Building the skeleton
Once you have gathered all the necessary materials, the next step is to make the skeleton of your voodoo doll. Remember that the doll should resemble the targeted person as closely as possible.
Start by building a basic skeleton using twigs tied with rope or wooden pencils. Sew and tie the doll with red threads symbolizing blood.
Beneficial voodoo dolls should be crafted as carefully as possible. They need to look pretty to not offend or alienate the person they are intended for.
Additionally, the doll maker’s state of mind is crucial as the effigy needs to be “filled” with positive emotions and feelings for a beneficial doll, or negative ones for a voodoo doll intended to do harm.

Step 3: Filling and choosing a protective layer
After completing the skeleton, it’s time to clothe the doll in fabric and sew it all around, leaving only a few unsewn areas for filling.
You can stuff the doll with cotton, paper, feathers, or moss. Once filled, wrap it in a protective material.
The color of the protective layer should reflect the type of spell for which the doll will be used. For example, use green for wealth, yellow for success in business, white for protection and peace, and blue for luck in love.
Step 4: Decorating
Add decorations such as ornaments, a coin for wealth, or a small red paper heart for a love spell to make the doll look like the target person.
The type of decoration will depend on the purpose of the spell.
Step 5: Baptism and binding
The final step is baptizing the doll, during which it receives a name and is bound to the person over whom you intend to exercise control.
Baptize the doll by immersing it in water three times or during a full moon night while uttering a specific incantation. The spell’s wording may differ depending on the region and dialect.
An incantation is a spoken or written formula believed to have magical power.
One example of an incantation is:
I baptize you, [name of the person who will be the target of the spell] in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. I have created you, a creature of [name the material used], and I name you [say the name and surname of the person targeted]. In life, you are what I want you to be. What is done to you will be done to [name the targeted person] as I command. I control the desires, dreams, and fate of [name the targeted person]. [His/Hers] life belongs to me. May [name the targeted person] know neither joy nor sorrow unless I so desire.
Using personal objects, such as a lock of hair, a nail, skin, blood, saliva, or clothes, can strengthen the connection between a ritual object and a person.

How To Use a Voodoo Doll?
Voodoo dolls are some of the most well-known effigies, and many tourists procure such mementos after visiting New Orleans or Haiti, where Voodoo is practiced as a religion.
However, the figurines sold in every “voodoo shop” are not necessarily associated with the Vodou religion, and sticking pins into these dolls represents more of a tradition of West European witchcraft than one of Vodou practitioners in Haiti or the Caribbean.
The portrayal of a Voodoo priest or priestess sticking pins into a doll representing an enemy who has aroused their ire has become so commonplace that such effigies have become generally known.
However, novices attending certain rituals might have seen Vodou adherents sticking pins into effigies of saints or guardian angels. Such gestures are made not to harm someone but to maintain magic’s buoyant force inside the object.
To cast a curse or spell on someone, many witchcraft practitioners use a wax or cloth effigy to represent the target of the spell.
The conjurer must obtain something belonging to his target (a nail, some hair, a few drops of saliva, or even excrements) and mix them in melted wax for a curse or a harmful spell.
Then, the wax must be molded into a male or a female shape, and the sorcerer writes the victim’s name on the back of the doll.
The effigy is then pierced with a needle or sharp twig in the area corresponding to the part of the victim’s body where the sorcerer wishes to cause pain.
Once pierced, the doll is wrapped in a shroud, and the conjurer recites prayers over it, as for a dead person. After the funeral rites have been performed, the effigy must be buried in a place where the victim is likely to pass.
Effigies made of wax or cloth can also be used for love or terrible acts of revenge.
To weave a love charm with wax effigies, the magician molds two hearts out of wax, names them after the individuals involved, and then joins them by passing three needles through them.
The effigies are then given to the person who desires such a union, and they must wear them near their heart.
When magicians believe they have been cursed, they can create an effigy or a doll representing the person who sent the curse upon them.
Once the sorcerer has fashioned such a doll, they put it in a box and scatter soil over it. On top, they light a candle and express their wish that the curse sent upon them will be extinguished with the flames that burn the doll in the box.
Different needles are used in Voodoo doll magic, each having a specific role. Each needle is meant for a different activity and has another function.

The seven colors of the needles used in Voodoo magic have different energies, which are as follows:
- Black signifies the stopping of negative energies
- Red signifies power
- Green signifies money
- White signifies positivity
- Yellow signifies success
- Blue signifies love
- Purple signifies spirituality
As mentioned earlier, the area where the needles are inserted into the doll is also important.
For example:
- The chest area on the left side induces heartache and pain of love
- The forehead area causes a headache
- The eyes cause temporary blindness
- The stomach area causes abdominal pain and indigestion
The effect of the needles can be intensified by using frankincense cones or burning/sacrificing a personal item.
After the ritual, the effigy can be burned or buried in the ground as close to the victim as possible. For instance, the doll can be buried in the targeted person’s garden.
If the doll has fulfilled its purpose, there are several ways the Voodoo practitioner can eliminate the effigy.
The doll can be left in a closet or a box locked with a key. After all, the effigy is energetically bound to the person it influences, and such an abandoned doll will not exercise any positive or negative influence on the victim.
However, a more complex ritual is required to break the magical bond between an effigy and a person.
To free a person from the magical shackles and to destroy the doll, you must take the effigy and submerge it in a vessel with blessed or enchanted water.
Let it soak and decompose gradually, then recite a prayer of release. An example is the following incantation:
I now command you. You are no longer bound. You, creature of [name the material used], I unbind you from [state the name and surname of the person bound]. Your ties are broken, and now you, creature, return to that of which you were formed.
The ritual must be performed three times on three different nights. After the release, the doll must be burned, and its ashes must be buried at a crossroads.

How To Protect Yourself Against Voodoo Magic?
Few people believe in black magic, but it’s a scary thought when bad things keep happening to you.
Do you think you might be under the influence of black magic? Here are some signs to look out for:
- You or your family are victims of repeated accidents;
- You are constantly plagued with bad luck;
- You frequently lose your job for no apparent reason;
- You often feel sad, tired, without energy, depressed, and anxious;
- You regularly lose money (things that break and need to be replaced, unwise investments, etc.);
- You feel controlled and unable to make your own decisions in life;
- You go through endless arguments with your loved ones.
If you find yourself in one or more of the above situations, you may be the victim of some form of magic.
So, how can you ward off voodoo magic? What can you do to protect yourself?
The good news is that you don’t have to be a witch or sorcerer to protect yourself from negative energies.
First and foremost, believing in Divinity and trusting a higher force to protect you and not allow any form of black magic to affect you is vital.
Then, there are a few useful tricks you can try:
Use a protective amulet
Amulets are protective objects against evils, illnesses, misfortunes, and accidents.
Amulets can be worn around the neck like a pendant, around the hand like a bracelet, or drawn on cups, plates, glasses, or clothes.
There are also various protective amulets for the home, usually hung at the house’s entrance.
As long as you carry or are in the presence of a protective amulet, it can counteract the effects of black magic. Some charms are religious symbols, medals, and pouches of herbs or crystals.
Use salt
Salt is more than just a seasoning added to food. It is also a mineral with powerful protective properties that can be spread throughout your home to protect yourself.
For protection against black magic or voodoo practices, black salt is recommended.
This type of salt has been used for centuries for protection spells, curses, incantations, getting rid of evil spirits, or mirror magic rituals.
Black salt absorbs negative energies and vibrations that can affect our energetic aura and can attach to certain people who are sensitive to such energies.
Although movies suggest that for protection, a circle of salt needs to surround the person being protected, in reality, it is enough to spread a little salt inside and outside the house.
Black salt can be combined with herbs or essential oils for increased protection.

Build a powerful spiritual shield
Whether you believe it or not, we all have natural protection methods that block most spells, black magic, or voodoo.
In this case, each person’s aura plays the role of a powerful spiritual shield.
To protect yourself, you need to first purify your aura and protect your chakras. You can do this through a therapist or even learn to do this yourself through meditation.
Perform a mirror spell
If you don’t know the name or the face of the person who cast a spell on you, a mirror spell using a black candle can be a lifesaver.
Such a protective spell involves lighting a black candle before a mirror, which you leave lit all night in your room.
Like black salt, the candle absorbs energy, especially negative energy. The mirror will then redirect the remaining energy back to the one who cast the spell.
However, if you know the identity of the person who tried to harm you, black salt works better than a simple candle.
Place a standing mirror in a bowl of black salt.
In the bowl, along with the mirror, place something representing the person who tried to cast a spell on you.
This could be a photograph of the person, a business card, or even their name written on paper. This will reflect the negative energy back to the one who sent it.
At Ancient Theory we only use trusted sources to document our articles. Such relevant sources include authentic documents, newspaper and magazine articles, established authors, or reputable websites.
- Thomas Bracken - Good Luck Symbols and Talismans: People, Places and Customs. Chelsea House Publishers, Philadelphia, 1997.
- Wallis Budge - Amulets and Talismans. Collier Books, New York, 1970.
- Felicitas Nelson - Talismans & Amulets of the World. Sterling Publishers, New York, 2000.
- Benjamin Radford - Voodoo: Facts About Misunderstood Religion.
- Jeffrey Anderson - Hoodoo, Voodoo, and Conjure: A Handbook. Greenwood Press, Westport, 2008.
- Augustus Montague Summers - Geography of Witchcraft. Kessinger Publishing, 1927.
- Magic. Supernatural phenomenon - [Source]
- What is Haitian Voodoo? - The Conversation.
- Black Magic Matters: Hoodoo as Ancestral Religion - Harvard Center for the Study of World Religions. [Source]
- Christopher A. Faraone - Binding and Burying the Forces of Evil: The Defensive Use of Voodoo Dolls" in Ancient Greece. Classical Antiquity, 1991.
- Ronald Hutton - The Triumph of the Moon: A History of Modern Pagan Witchcraft. Oxford University Press, 1999.
- Thomas Keith - Religion and the Decline of Magic. Oxford University Press, 1997.