Healing stones mounted in rings or pendants have been widely appreciated throughout the centuries for their mystical properties.
Healing stones have been used since ancient times for their spiritual and physical healing properties. These stones have been known to possess unique energy that can balance and harmonize the body, mind, and spirit.
There are 12 noteworthy healing stones, one for each zodiac sign. Many people are already familiar with these healing stones, which are said to have magical powers.

Agate: The Stone of Gemini
The first of the healing stones is the agate, a microcrystalline variety of the mineral quartz.
It can be in the form of spotted or colored striped quartz and is astrologically associated with the sign of Gemini.
Theophrastus of Eresos (390-371 BC), a Greek naturalist and philosopher, named the semiprecious stone after Ahates, a sacred river in Sicily where he found it.
The history of agate is much longer than that, as it has been used since 3000 BC by the ancient Egyptians.
The Egyptian jewelers used agate to craft jewelry, seals, rings, vessels, and amulets.
Later, in the 17th century, the use of agate on a large scale began, as the stone was incorporated into jewelry, along with precious metals such as silver and gold.
An agate talisman is believed to bring health, while an agate ring improves general health.
According to an old legend, anyone who looks at the agate will be enchanted to speak only the truth and not be able to hide any secret.
Thus, this healing stone is popular for those seeking clarity and honesty.

Healing stones: Amethyst, The Stone of Aquarius
Amethyst is a precious stone, a purple variety of quartz, and is considered to be the stone of Aquarius. Its name originates from the Greek word “amethystos,” which can be translated as “not drunk.”
An amethyst ring is usually worn to protect against evil eye and witchcraft.
But amethyst is also an important healing and energizing stone, a stone of temperance, and a protector against any kind of intoxication. According to Orthodox Christian beliefs, this is why bishops wear amethysts.
As a shepherd of souls entrusted with spiritual and worldly responsibility, the bishop must beware of any drunkenness, even spiritual.
According to the Roman scholar Pliny (23-79 AD), the amethyst protects against sorcerers if it is engraved with the image of the moon and the sun and worn around the neck, with a peacock feather and a lapwing feather attached to it.
If the amethyst is placed under the pillow, it wards against nightmares, boosts memory, and gives immunity against poisoning.
A pendant with amethyst prevents depression and can generate spiritual visions.
This healing stone is popular among those seeking protection, peace, and spirituality.

Hematite: The Stone of Pisces
Known as heliotrope, this variety of quartz is among the most popular healing stones.
Hematite, also known as the Blood Stone, the Martyr’s Stone, or the Warriors’ Stone, is dark green with iron oxide inclusions.
Legends say that in Babylon, hematite was worn to bring victory in battles.
In the Middle Ages, it was believed that the red spots came from the blood of Jesus Christ during the Crucifixion. Therefore the stone was associated with the Savior.
Worn as a pendant, the hematite has the power to prevent spontaneous abortion and other health problems during pregnancy.
Set in a ring, hematite boosts creativity and the appetite for action, movement, and change.
The hematite talisman brings pleasant dreams and clear visions of the future to those who wear it at night.

Diamond: The Stone of Aries
The word “diamond” is derived from the Greek word “adamas,” which means “invincible” or “indestructible.”
This precious healing stone is associated with the astrological sign of Aries due to its exceptional physical qualities, such as hardness, transparency, and luminosity.
Diamonds symbolize perfection, although their brightness is only sometimes seen as beneficial.
In the Western tradition, diamonds are seen as symbols of universal sovereignty, incorruptibility, and absolute reality. A diamond under a hammer symbolizes firmness and solidity of character that resists the persecution.
According to the greek philosopher Pliny, diamonds are the universal talisman that makes poisons and illnesses harmless, and drive away spirits and bad dreams.
In Renaissance art, diamonds symbolize emotional balance, courage in the face of adversity, the power to free the spirit from fear, good faith, and integrity of character.
A diamond amulet traditionally symbolizes lasting love and marital happiness.
The stone is believed to strengthen emotional bonds and promote loyalty when given as a gift.
A diamond pendant can be worn for honor and friendship. A diamond in a ring ensures a lasting marriage and financial success.

Healing stones: Emerald, The Stone of Taurus
Another well-known healing stone is the emerald.
Green and translucent, the emerald is the stone of green light, which gives it both an esoteric meaning and a regenerative power, traditionally associated with the sign of Taurus.
Emerald was associated with rain, blood, and all the symbols of the lunar cycle; for the Mesoamericans, a sign of fertility.
The Aztecs called it “quetzalitzli” and associated it with the quetzal bird, with its long green feathers, symbolizing the rebirth and the rejuvenation that happens every spring.
The emerald was distinct from green jade in that it did not preside over bloody rites dedicated to the great gods that personified the noon sun and not less implacable tropical storms.
For alchemists, the emerald was the stone of Hermes, the crier of the gods. They also called it “May dew,” but this dew was only a symbol for the mercurial dew melted in the crucible and about to turn into vapors.
Having the property of piercing the darkest night, the emerald lent its name to the famous Emerald Table, attributed to Apollonius of Tyana.
According to the Hermetic tradition, an emerald separated from Lucifer’s forehead during his fall.
Nevertheless, the popular traditions of the Middle Ages preserve all the beneficial powers of the emerald, in which, of course, a certain dose of witchcraft is mixed.
It was said that placing an emerald on the tongue facilitated the summoning of evil spirits and communication with them.
The emerald is a powerful stone and, therefore, dangerous for those who don’t understand its power. It was the stone of insight, fertility, and immortality. In Rome, it was the attribute of Venus, and in India, it conferred immortality.

Garnet: The Stone of Capricorn
Garnet, also known as almandine, is a semiprecious healing stone often associated with the zodiac sign Capricorn.
This healing stone has a luminescent reddish-orange color that allows it to glow in the dark.
Garnet was frequently used to set in the eyes of statues as a symbol of brightness, intensity of life, and desire. It is also placed along dark corridors to guide the way, symbolizing the eyes that see in the dark or the desire that leads to its object.
In ancient times, garnet was widely used by the Ancient Egyptians and Phoenicians. It was believed to have healing properties that could cure snakebites and neutralize any poison in food by absorbing harmful chemicals through the skin.
According to legend, during the 40 days of the flood, Noah used the light of the garnet stone to navigate the Ark through the storm.
The stone provided the necessary light to avoid dangers and reach Mount Ararat safely. Since then, garnet has become the guide of travelers on land and sea and the companion and leader to the other world.
The Ancient Romans and Greeks believed that garnet could cement friendships. At the same time, it was a stone of fidelity for the Scythians.
A garnet pendant was usually worn to attract love from the opposite sex. In contrast, a ring with a garnet was thought to dispel fear and pessimism.
This is why garnet is associated with the zodiac sign of Capricorn, as natives of this sign are often reserved and timid, and the stone gives them the courage to overcome their fears.
However, when given as a gift, it was believed to bring about quarrels and potential break-ups between two lovers.

Opal: The Stone of Libra
Opal is one of the most important healing stones.
It is a semiprecious stone often associated with the astrological sign of Libra. Wearing an opal ring was believed to protect against digestive disorders.
An opal pendant is worn to draw happiness in love, luck, and favorable legal decisions.
It is also believed that an opal amulet would turn grey in color when disease is about to take hold and turn yellow when an injury by accident is about to happen.
The Ancient Romans considered opal the most precious stone of all, as they believed it brought wealth and luxury.
The Ancient Greeks believed that opal gave the gift of prophecy and foresight. There is even a myth about the Greek god Zeus, who wept out of joy at defeating the Titans and whose tears turned into opals when they touched the ground.
In India, opal is considered a symbol of hope.
According to a legend, the Indian goddess of the rainbow was so beautiful that the male gods sought her favor. In the end, to escape their advances, she turned into an opal, wearing the colors of the rainbow.
The Aboriginal Australians understood opal’s unique beauty and energy and called it the Rainbow Serpent.
One old Australian legend tells of how the Creator traveled on a rainbow road to bring his messages to Earth and that with each step he took, the stones he stepped on were turned into tiny opals like little rainbows.

Healing stones: Ruby, The Stone of Cancer
Rubin is one of the twelve healing stones of the zodiac. It is believed to positively impact mental health, promoting tranquility and peace of mind.
In ancient times, rubies were considered the emblem of happiness, as their striking red color evoked joy and contentment.
If the stone’s color changed, it was believed to be a terrible omen, but the ruby would regain its purple hue when the evil passed.
Its positive attributes also included the power to chase away sadness, restrain debauchery, resist poison, prevent the plague, and ward off evil thoughts.
Rubies, being a bloodstone, were used homeopathically to prepare anti-hemorrhagic medicines. In Russian folklore, it was believed to be good for the brain, memory, heart, vigor, and purifying the blood.
Bishop Marbode described it as the single eye with reddish gleams that dragons and snakes have on their forehead, indicating that it was a mighty healing stone.
Wearing a ruby ring or amulet can bring knowledge, good health, and wealth. However, it should never be given as a gift, as it would bring discord and ruin relationships.

Sapphire: The Stone of Virgo
Sapphires, which are blue-colored corundum, are associated astrologically with the sign of Virgo.
During the Middle Ages, people believed sapphires to have the power to heal blindness and magically open locks. Alchemists associated it with the element of air.
Bishop Marbode, in the 11th century, described sapphires as resembling the beauty of the heavenly throne, signifying the hearts of the humble and those whose lives were made bright by virtue and morals.
Conrad de Haimbourd thought of sapphires as a stone of hope.
For Christians, the sapphire symbolizes the divine righteousness and the luminous power of God’s kingdom.
Saint George, depicted in Baroque style as fighting the dragon, wore armor covered with sapphires set in gold.
A sapphire pendant is believed to heal fever, epilepsy, and depression. It is said to bring wisdom and compassion if set in a ring.
The stone is said to become suddenly chalky when danger is imminent and stay that way until the threat has passed.

Healing stones: Sardonyx, The Stone of Leo
Another one of the major healing stones, sardonyx was used by ancient occultists as a popular remedy for a number of health conditions.
Many believe sardonyx has a protective role, especially for young people or those just starting a new business. Placing the stone in the corner of a room may ward off negative energy and protect the house from curses and evil spells.
Sardonyx, worn as a pendant, is believed to combat sterility. However, the stone is believed to have no power when set in a ring.
The stone will ensure the recipient’s loyalty when given as a gift.

Topaz: The Stone of Scorpio
The healing stone topaz is considered the lucky stone of Scorpios.
Its name derives from the Sanskrit word “tapas,” which means “fire” or “heat.” The stone’s name could also originate from the island of Topazos, located in the Red Sea.
According to some medieval oculists, a topaz amulet would promote extrasensory sensitivity and facilitate control of one’s destiny.
A topaz pendant was believed to bring honor, happiness, and inner peace. At the same time, the stone set in a ring would promote career advancement and financial success.
In ancient times, topaz was believed to improve vision, and the Greeks used this stone to detect poison in food, as the stone would change color in its presence.

Healing stones: Turquoise, The Stone of Sagittarius
Turquoise is the last of the twelve healing stones of the zodiac.
In old Meso-American cultures, turquoise is almost always associated with fire or the sun.
According to the Pueblo Indians, the Great Priest of the Rain’s very secret chamber, which has never been opened in front of a European, contains an altar framed by two small crystal columns.
On the altar was a turquoise stone in the shape of a heart called the Heart of the World.
The Native Americans considered the stone sacred, and medieval oculists used it in various magical rituals.
Modern parapsychologists claim that turquoise amulets can successfully heal wounds and illnesses.
When worn as a pendant, the stone will protect its owner from violent death. It is also said that a ring with turquoise will allow the wearer to revive old romances.
At Ancient Theory we only use trusted sources to document our articles. Such relevant sources include authentic documents, newspaper and magazine articles, established authors, or reputable websites.
- George Frederick Kunz - Curious Lore of Precious Stones.
- Richard Cavendish - The Black Art. Capricorn Books, New York, 1968.
- Sapphire History and Lore. gia.edu. [Source]
- George Frederick Kunz - The Mystical Lore of Precious Stones. Borgo Press, San Bernardino, California, 1986.
- Barbara Walker - The Woman’s Dictionary of Symbols and Sacred Objects. Castle Books, Edison, N.J., 1988.
- About Gemstones. energymuse.com.
- Amethyst. wikipedia.org. [Source]
- William Thomas and Kate Pavitt - The Book of Talismans, Amulets and Zodiacal Gems.
- H. G. Liddell and R. Scott - Adamas - A Greek-English Lexicon.
- William Thomas Fernie - Precious Stones for Curative Wear. John Wright & Co., 1907.
- Opal - wikipedia.org. [Source]
- Ruby Healing Properties. charmsoflight.com.