The Book of Enoch is an ancient text that is considered an apocalyptic religious text and comprises five distinct books, each containing multiple chapters.
The authors who wrote the text used manuscripts attributed to Enoch, who, according to tradition, lived on Earth for 365 years before being taken to Heaven by God.
The oldest fragments of the Book of Enoch, mainly from the Book of the Watchers, date back to 300-200 BC. Meanwhile, the latest chapters, most likely from the Book of Parables, date to around 100 BC.
What is the Book of Enoch?
The Book of Enoch is a fascinating text that delves into various controversial topics.
It discusses the true origins of demons, the mysterious Nephilims, the expulsion of some angels from paradise, and the reasons why the biblical flood was necessary.
It also talks about the angels’ hell, the secret names of the archangels and great demons, and the 1,000-year reign of the Messiah on Earth. Additionally, it describes the patriarch Enoch’s journey among the stars and galaxies and the bizarre Uriel’s Device.
The Book of Enoch consists of five books in the Ethiopian Orthodox Church’s version, which are:
- The Book of Watchers describes the fall of the angels sent to watch over humanity and their interactions with humans.
- The Book of Parables contains Enoch’s visions of the history of the world and the judgment of the wicked and righteous.
- The Book of Astronomy describes Enoch’s journey through the cosmos and the workings of the heavenly bodies.
- The Book of Dream Visions describes Enoch’s prophetic visions of the end of the world and the coming of the Messiah.
- The Epistle of Enoch contains Enoch’s instructions and exhortations to his children and future generations.
It’s important to note that some versions of the Book of Enoch include additional sections, such as the Book of Giants, which expands on the story of the fallen angels and their offspring, and the Animal Apocalypse, which describes the history of Israel in the form of a series of animal parables.
A controversial theory known as the ancient aliens theory suggests that highly advanced extraterrestrials have visited our planet in the past, inspiring mankind with the idea that gods can descend from the sky.
Adherents of this theory believe that the prophecies and religious parables in the Book of Enoch were almost entirely removed from the Bible due to their controversial character contradicting the religious doctrine.
The prophecies of Enoch were known by Jews and early Christians of the Near East in the first and second centuries AD.
The authors of the New Testament were also familiar with some passages from the Book of Enoch.
For example, a short fragment from Enoch (1:9) is quoted in the New Testament Epistle of Jude (Jude 1:14-15) and is attributed to “Enoch, the seventh from Adam.”
Why Was the Book of Enoch Excluded from the Bible?
To understand the exclusion of the Book of Enoch from the Bible, it is necessary to comprehend the complexity of its contents.
Let us examine some details about each of the five books mentioned above.
Book of Enoch: The Book of the Watchers
The Book of the Watchers is a section of the Book of Enoch, an ancient Jewish religious text.
The Book of the Watchers tells the story of fallen angels who descended to Earth and began to corrupt humanity. The story’s main character is Enoch, a righteous man taken to Heaven by God and given visions of the future.
The story begins with the angels, known as the Watchers, descending to Earth and taking human wives.
They teach humans forbidden knowledge, such as making weapons and practicing magic.
The offspring of these unions are known as the Nephilim, a race of giants who cause chaos and violence on Earth.
God is angered by the actions of the Watchers and decides to punish them. He sends the archangels Michael, Raphael, Gabriel, and Uriel to capture the Watchers and imprison them in the underworld.
The story ends with Enoch being taken to Heaven by God and given a glimpse of the future.
The Book of the Watchers is a fascinating and complex work that explores themes such as the nature of good and evil, the consequences of forbidden knowledge, and the power of divine justice.
It has been influential in many religious traditions and continues to be studied and debated by scholars today.
The Book of the Watchers contains various controversial chapters, including:
- Enoch’s parable about the destiny of the wicked and the righteous;
- The fall of the angels and their involvement on behalf of and for the good of humankind;
- God’s cruel punishments for the rebellious angels;
- Enoch’s vision;
- The first and last punishment for Azazel and the rest of the fallen angels;
- Enoch’s expeditions on Earth and through Sheol;
- The names and functions of the seven archangels;
- Pictures of where the fallen angels serve their punishments (among the stars);
- Sheol or Hell;
- The holy fire that burns in the Candles of Heaven;
- The Seven Mountains of the Northwest and the Tree of Life;
- The purpose of the Accursed Valley.
A cursory glance at this first book helps to understand why the Book of Enoch was excluded from the Bible. The controversial nature of its content, which deviates from the accepted religious doctrine, likely led to its exclusion.
Book of Enoch: The Book of Parables
The Book of Parables, a section of the Book of Enoch, is debated among scholars due to its complex meanings and symbolism.
While it builds upon some concepts from the previous section, the Book of the Watchers, it also introduces the idea of a Final Judgment.
The patriarch Enoch speaks about the fallen angels and the destiny of the “wicked kings of the earth.”
Moreover, The Book of Parables is the first Hebrew writing to use the term “Son of Man” to refer to the eschatological protagonist, also known as “The Righteous One,” “The Chosen One,” and “The Messiah,” who will sit at the throne of glory for the Final Judgment.
The differences between The Book of Parables and the rest of The Book of Enoch have led some experts to believe that these chapters were added much later, possibly in the third century AD.
After analyzing similarities with other manuscripts from the same period, JT Milik dates The Book of Parables around 330 AD.
Milik also suggests that some of the parables and stories presented in these chapters were based on historical events that took place between 260 and 270 AD.
However, proponents of the ancient aliens theory argue that The Book of Enoch, in its entirety, is evidence of extraterrestrial involvement in human history.
The Book of Parables contains numerous controversial chapters:
- The Judgment of the Wicked;
- The Place of the Righteous and the Chosen Ones;
- The Four Archangels of God;
- Astronomical Secrets;
- The Fate of the Apostates: The New Heaven and the New Earth;
- The Elder and the Son of Man;
- The Prayer of the Righteous for Vengeance and Their Joy at Its Coming;
- The Resurrection of the Dead and the Separation by the Judge of the Righteous from the Wicked;
- The Six Mountains of Metal;
- The Valley of Judgment: The Angels of Punishment;
- The Final Judgment of Azazel, the Watchers, and Their Children;
- The Last Fight of the Pagan Powers Against Israel;
- The Happiness of the Saints;
- The Lights and Thunder;
- The Trembling of Heaven: Behemoth and Leviathan;
- Angels Going to Measure Paradise;
- The Unprofitable Repentance of Kings and the Mighty;
- Enoch Foretells the Flood;
- The Angels of the Waters;
- The Promise of God to Noah;
- Michael and Raphael were Amazed at the Severity of the Judgment;
- The Names and Functions of the Fallen Angels.

Book of Enoch: The Book of Astronomy
The Book of Astronomy, a section of the Book of Enoch, covers a wide range of themes, including stars and planets, a journey to Heaven, devices capable of calculating the movement of the stars, and a mysterious world covered in “mountains of precious stones” shown to Enoch by the angel Uriel.
Enoch’s description of this world bears a striking resemblance to the view of Earth from space, with cities shining like “mountains of precious stones” at night.
Enoch describes his journey to another planet, covered entirely in shining cities that appear like “mountains of precious stones” from a great height.
In the Book of Astronomy, Enoch introduces the idea of a different solar calendar consisting of 364 days, divided into four equal seasons of 91 days each, with every calendar day always falling on the same day of the week.
The year and each season always begin on Wednesday, the day of creation, according to the Book of Genesis.
The Book of Astronomy includes several controversial chapters, such as:
- Lunar Year;
- The Four Quarters of the World;
- The Seven Mountains, the Seven Rivers and the Seven Great Islands;
- The Sun and Moon;
- The Perversion of Nature and Celestial Bodies due to Human Sin;
- The Heavenly Tables;
- Enoch’s Mission.
Enoch’s accurate descriptions of physical phenomena during intergalactic travel, such as time dilation and details about planets and stars thousands of light-years away from Earth, suggest that he truly experienced his incredible journey.
Furthermore, Enoch’s accounts of his journey to Heaven among the stars and planets, accompanied by the angel Uriel, who revealed mysteries of the Universe, are additional reasons why the Book of Enoch was excluded from the Bible.
Book of Enoch: The Book of Dream Visions
The Book of Dream Visions is one of the five sections of the Ethiopian version of the Book of Enoch.
It contains numerous visions and prophecies about the kingdom of Israel, from the world’s creation up to the period interpreted by many experts as the Maccabean Revolt (163-142 BC).
Enoch’s journey through the cosmos is the book’s opening, where he sees various heavenly bodies and the spirits that govern them.
Later, he sees a great white bull, which symbolizes the coming of the Messiah.
The bull is slaughtered, and its body transforms into a great tree, representing the establishment of the Kingdom of God on earth.
Enoch then has a series of visions describing the world’s history, from the time of Adam to the end of days.
The fallen angels and their offspring, the Nephilim, who cause great wickedness on earth, are revealed to Enoch. He also sees the righteous and their suffering, as well as the judgment of the wicked.
Furthermore, Enoch has a series of visions of the coming of the Messiah, who is depicted as the “Son of Man.”
The Messiah is an extraordinary figure who will come to judge the earth and establish the Kingdom of God, and he will be accompanied by the righteous and will destroy the wicked.
The book concludes with Enoch’s vision of the great white bull returning and transforming into a new world where the righteous will live in peace and harmony forever.
The Book of Dream Visions offers an extensive overview of biblical history and presents a messianic vision of the future, but it also contains controversial chapters, such as:
- The First Dream: The Flood;
- The Second Dream of Enoch: The History of the World until the Establishment of the Messianic Kingdom;
- The Birth of the Seven Archangels;
- The Flood and the Release of Noah;
- From Noah’s Death to the Exodus;
- The Two Kingdoms of Israel and Judah;
- The Third Period: From Cyrus to Alexander the Great;
- The Fourth Period: From Alexander the Great to the Greek-Syrian Occupation;
- The Last Attack of the Nations on the Jews;
- The New Jerusalem, the Conversion of the Remaining Nations, the Resurrection of the Righteous, the Messiah. Enoch Wakes Up and Weeps.
Book of Enoch: The Epistle of Enoch
The Epistle of Enoch is a short section that contains Enoch’s instructions and exhortations to his children and future generations.
In the epistle, Enoch urges his children to live a righteous life, to love and honor God, and to avoid wickedness and deceit. He warns them of the judgment to come and encourages them to follow the ways of righteousness.
Enoch also shares his visions of the heavenly realm and the angels, and he exhorts his children to live in a way that pleases God so that they may one day be worthy to enter the heavenly realm.
Finally, Enoch speaks of his fate, saying he will be taken into Heaven and transformed into an angel. He urges his children to remember his teachings and pass them on to future generations so they, too, may live righteous lives and be worthy of God’s favor.
Some of the most interesting chapters in Enoch’s Epistle include:
- Enoch’s Urgings to His Children;
- The Last Three Weeks;
- The Lamentations of the Sinners;
- Hope for the Righteous: Woe to the Wicked;
- The Plagues Prepared for the Sinners and Possessors of Unjust Riches;
- Original Sin: All Sins are Recorded in Heaven;
- Maledictions Pronounced Against Those Without God;
- The Sinners Destroy Each Other;
- Exhortation to Fear God: All Nature Fears Him;
- Different Fates of the Righteous and the Sinners;
- God and Messiah to Dwell with Man.
Although primarily influenced by Biblical texts, the Book of Enoch includes numerous chapters that contravene religious norms and doctrines.

The book contains stories about fallen angels, giant cannibals, strange cosmology, and revelations about the world’s end.
The Birth of Nephilims - Angels of God Taking Mortal Wives
The Book of Enoch, specifically the Book of the Watchers, is a significant ancient writing that examines angels’ existence, the Universe’s nature, and life after death.
The Book of the Watchers describes angels who abandoned their heavenly abode and took mortal women as wives.
This advanced concept by patriarch Enoch builds upon biblical passages that mention “sons of God” marrying “daughters of men.”
When mankind began to multiply on the earth and daughters were born to them, the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were beautiful, and they took as their wives whomever they chose. Then the LORD said, ‘My Spirit will not contend with humans forever, for they are mortal; their days will be a hundred and twenty years.’ The Nephilim were on the earth in those days–and also afterward–when the sons of God went to the daughters of humans and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, men of renown.
[Genesis 6:1-4]
We even saw the Nephilim there–the descendants of Anak that come from the Nephilim. We seemed like grasshoppers in our own eyes, and we looked the same to them.
[Numbers 13:33-34]
The Book of the Watchers reveals that these “sons of God” were angels known as the Watchers or Observers. 200 of these exiled Observers descended from Heaven to Earth. These 200 Observers had 18 leaders, and the angel Semyaza (Samael) reigned above all.
Moreover, it depicts how God’s messengers taught the sons and daughters of men the secrets of Heaven and Earth, including forbidden arts such as alchemy, witchcraft, enchantments, weapon-making, war art, astrology, etc., and the making of jewelry and ornaments.
“And this was known in Heaven, and they sullied their reputation,” thereby incurring divine wrath upon themselves and their offspring.
The angels then chose the most beautiful “daughters of man” as their brides, with whom they had giant children called Nephilim (often described as “heroes of old and warriors of renown”).
The Nephilim are quintessential images of God, mighty, and live for hundreds of years.
They measure 3,000 “urii” in height (an ancient unit of measure equal to approximately 45 inches or 115 centimeters, which calculates that a Nephilim could measure almost 11,500 feet or 3,500 meters in height).
As people multiplied in those days, their daughters became graceful and beautiful.
When the angels, the children of Heaven, saw them, they said to one another, “Let us choose wives from among the people and have children with them.” Then Semyaza, their chief, said to them, “I fear greatly that you will not achieve your goal. And if you do, I fear that I will bear the punishment of your crime alone.”
But they swore that they would not desist. And they swore among themselves with reciprocal curses.
Each chose a woman, approached her, lived with her, and taught her magic, enchantments, and properties of roots and trees. These women became pregnant and gave birth to giants.
Interestingly, Enoch was not the only source to mention the giant Nephilim. The Book of Giants, one of the Dead Sea Scrolls, also refers to them.
The Book of Watchers also tells how the Nephilim consumed all the people’s food and eventually began devouring humans.
When even the flesh of man did not sate their hunger, they began to eat birds, beasts, reptiles, fish, and eventually, they ate one another.
The cries of horror of the people were heard in Heaven. Seeing how the Nephilim spread terror and destruction on Earth, God decided to bring a great flood upon the world to rid it of the horrific giants.
The Four Smooth Fields of Hell
The Book of Watchers narrates the adventures of Enoch during his journey through Hell (Sheol). The patriarch describes Hell as a great “waiting room” where the souls of the dead await the Day of Judgment.
The souls are clustered into four “wide, smooth fields”:
- One for the righteous who have had a blessed life;
- One for the righteous who have suffered in life;
- One for the sinful who have led a carefree life;
- One for the wicked who have suffered in life.
According to the text, Abel, Adam’s son, is believed to be the one who judges and divides the souls of the dead based on the gravity of their sins committed during their lifetime on Earth.
The fundamental idea that emerges from this narrative is that no soul reaches Heaven before the Day of Judgment.
Regardless of their good or bad deeds on Earth, all souls first go to Sheol.
On the Day of Judgment, the righteous will go to court and enjoy eternal life by eating from the Tree of Life, while the sinners will remain in Hell and be destroyed.
Enoch's Journey Among the Stars
The third section of the Book of Enoch, the Astronomical Book, recounts Enoch’s journeys among the stars, guided by the angel Uriel.
Throughout the journey, Uriel shows Enoch some mysterious devices that he uses to perform complex mathematical calculations.
The Astronomical Book also contains an intriguing description of Earth as seen from above, which appears “ever smaller” as the “ship” that Enoch and Uriel travel on moves away from the planet.
Enoch provides details that would not have been known during his time, such as the arrangement and appearance of continents seen from high above or the fact that Earth appears as a small luminous point among the thousands of “other luminous points in the darkness of space.”
Uriel reveals some of the secrets of nature to Enoch, including how storms, hail, fog, and clouds form.
Using a strange device, Uriel calculates the precise movements of the planets around the Sun by “drawing lines in the air” that intersect like a carousel.
Enoch experiences time dilation, which occurs when a body moves at a speed close to the speed of light, during his short journey through space that lasts only a few days for him but means decades for those on Earth.
He observes “mountains made of precious stones,” which some experts believe describe an image from another planet.
Enoch lives among the angels for 366 years, learning the secrets of mathematics, physics, and biology from them.
Uriel teaches Enoch the secrets of the “astronomical computer,” while other angels prompt him to write 366 manuscripts, one per year, to pass on all the teachings received.

After 366 years, Enoch returns to Earth with Uriel, where everything appears different.
Enoch spends one more year among mortals, teaching them the secrets of the 366 manuscripts. When the year ends, Uriel returns and takes Enoch to the heavens.
Enoch’s journey among the stars includes several other fascinating elements, such as a detailed description of Uriel’s mysterious Machine.
Some researchers link the device to the strange Dacian calendar and the architecture of the Sarmizegetusa citadel in Romania.
The Strange Dream of Enoch
The Book of Dreams, another important chapter of the Book of Enoch, is a compilation of prophetic dreams experienced by the patriarch Enoch, with the first dream depicting him as a witness to the Biblical Flood, where he observes how his great-grandson, Noah, survives the wrath of God.
The second dream is more enigmatic. Enoch sees a white bull followed by a heifer, a black bull, and a red bull.
The black bull gores the red bull with its horns, after which the heifer gives birth to several white bulls.
Then, the stars fall to Earth and transform into stallions that mate with the white bulls, resulting in the birth of elephants, camels, and donkeys.
Although this chapter may seem nonsensical at first glance, those familiar with the history of the Israelite people can quickly draw connections between the symbolic animals in Enoch’s dream and past events.
The white bull and heifer represent Adam and Eve, the black bull symbolizes Cain, and the red bull represents Abel.
Finally, the falling stars refer to the fallen angels who took mortal women as wives, resulting in the birth of giant offspring, represented in the dream by the elephants.
Noah's Mysterious Birth
The Book of Enoch presents a controversial account of the birth of Noah, the great-grandson of Enoch.
According to the text, when Lamech and his wife saw the newborn baby, they were astonished by his appearance.
The baby had “skin as white as snow and cheeks as red as rose petals, and white hair covering its beautiful eyes.”
When the child opened his eyes, rays of sunshine shot out, filling the room with light and temporarily blinding everyone present. The baby Noah then spoke in an unknown language, addressing God and leaving Lamech and his wife terrified.
Overwhelmed by what he had witnessed, Lamech ran to his father, Methuselah, who sought out Enoch at the edge of the world and related the events to him.
Enoch, a prophet, revealed to Methuselah that the day would come when God would destroy the world, sparing only Lamech’s son Noah.
The description of Noah’s birth in the Book of Enoch is highly symbolic and mystical. The baby’s white skin and red cheeks may represent purity and innocence, while the white hair covering his eyes could symbolize wisdom and foresight.
The rays of light emanating from Noah’s eyes could represent his divine nature or his future role as a prophet.
The mysterious language spoken by Noah may suggest his ability to communicate with God, giving him a special status among humans.
The account of Noah’s birth in the Book of Enoch adds a layer of mysticism to the well-known story of the Biblical Flood and offers an intriguing glimpse into the patriarchal tradition of ancient Judaism.

Heaven or Hell?
The Book of Enoch details the patriarch’s journey through Sheol (Hell) and Heaven multiple times.
One of his most unusual journeys is when he visits the “Ten Heavens” or the “Ten Levels of Heaven.”
Accompanied by angels, Enoch passes through the lower levels of Heaven and witnesses some terrifying images that horrify him.
The first level of Heaven is entirely covered by a massive body of water larger than any ocean on Earth. However, this ocean is inhabited by frightening creatures that devour one another in an endless cycle of life and death.
The second level of Heaven is populated by angels who are forced to push stars across the sky.
These unfortunate creatures are deformed by pain and fatigue and must repeat the same task endlessly, like Sisyphus, to maintain the Universe’s intended balance.
The third level is a colossal torture chamber for angels who do not obey God’s commands.
Whether they are fallen angels (demons) or angels who have only neglected one of the Creator’s desires, they spend eternity in this dark, cold chamber, similar to the cosmic void.
Enoch then moves on to the fourth level of Heaven, which, according to the patriarch’s account, is nothing but Hell.
This level is where the souls of the most cursed humans are thrown, surrounded by the screams of the damned.
Enoch refuses to move forward and asks the angels accompanying him to take him back to Earth.
The Two Primordial Creatures of God
Most of you are likely already familiar with the Biblical description of creation: God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. Then He separated the light from the darkness.
However, the Book of Enoch sheds light on the two primordial creatures God would have used to create the Universe.
According to the Book of Enoch, God called a being named Adoil, who had a large and luminous belly. At the Creator’s command, Adoil exploded, and all the light spilled into the Universe.
Then, God called a second primordial entity called Arches. This creature is described by Enoch as being “enormous, hard, heavy, and very red.” God orders Archas to explode and become the lower darkness, and the monster obeys.
In some modern interpretations of the Book of Enoch, the two primordial beings represent the cosmic dualism of light and darkness.
However, unlike the Biblical interpretation of creation, where God creates both light and darkness, in the Book of Enoch, God only exercises control over the two primordial creatures – one full of light and the other full of darkness.
Uriel's Machine: Reconstructing an Ancient Astronomical Device
Authors Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas have attempted to reconstruct the mysterious machine described by the patriarch Enoch in the Book of Enoch.
According to Enoch’s account, the “pillars of light” framed the “shining spheres” and “concentric circles” of Uriel’s Machine, and the authors used these details to create a sketch of the device.
The result is a theoretical “celestial computer,” an astronomical computing device made up of pillars, portals, and windows arranged in concentric circles, with a horseshoe-shaped arrangement of 21 pillars in the center.
This central area is likely the observation point.
Uriel gave Enoch the secret of constructing such a machine, specifying that its internal elements had to be adapted according to the latitude and longitude from which the measurements were taken.
Some researchers believe that Uriel’s Machine could have been used to study the Sun and Moon’s movements, predict eclipses, analyze the Earth’s revolution, and calculate the orbits of other planets in the solar system.
The angel Uriel also showed Enoch a much more complex device that he claimed was used by angels to “measure the routes of all the stars in the universe and their laws,” as well as “what will happen in all the years of the world until the end of the new creation.”
Knight and Lomas noticed similarities between the arrangement of the “pillars of light” in Uriel’s Machine and the position of the megaliths of Stonehenge.

However, this conclusion is based on a mistaken premise, as Enoch lived on Earth long before the construction of Stonehenge, which, according to historians and archaeologists, dates back somewhere between 3000 and 1600 BC.
Did the Dacians Possess the Technology of the “Angels”?
The Astronomic Book provides valuable clues about the location of the “celestial computer” built by angels, which Enoch saw to the west, where a grand and imposing mountain of rock rose.
However, nowhere near Stonehenge is such a massive rock formation found.
Another clue is provided by the description of the mysterious apparatus.
Although the structure at Stonehenge only “resembles” Uriel’s Device, as noted by the two authors, the position of the monoliths is quite different from the arrangement of the “pillars of light” in the sketch designed by Knight and Lomas.
The “celestial computer” looks identical to the sanctuary of Sarmizegetusa, more precisely to the solar calendar used by our ancestors.
The incredible similarity was also noted by Paul Lazar Tonciulescu in his book, The Impact of Rome on the Dacians, where he describes the mysterious Dacian calendar as “the most precise calendar in Antiquity.”
It is known that the Dacian year had 365.242197 days.
Remarkably, according to calculations made with the most powerful modern computers, the year has 365.242198, resulting in a difference of only 0.000001 days (or 0.0864 seconds) between the calculations of the Dacians and the most advanced modern calculations.
The Dacian calendar at Sarmizegetusa allowed counting days in a year with the help of pillars arranged in a circle, a description similar to that given by Enoch for Uriel’s Device.
On the other hand, a calculation made using the megalithic pillars at Stonehenge results in a year of 366 days.
Returning to what the angel Uriel told Enoch, “the positioning of the internal elements must be adapted according to the area, that is, the latitude and longitude from which the measurements are taken.”
Thus, a more precise model should be sought at a different latitude and longitude in another location.
The only place that can provide such precise calculations (with a difference of only 0.0864 seconds) is the Great Sanctuary of Sarmizegetusa.
The Dacians carefully and expertly chose the plateau, known as “the good place,” near the 45th parallel.
At 45 degrees, any astronomical calculation formula is simplified because the tangent and cotangent of the latitude are equal to “1,” and sine and cosine are 22, or also “1.”
In other words, the Dacians did not complicate themselves with useless calculations, which is why their calendar was so precise.
Meanwhile, other people using a similar astronomical model failed to achieve the precision of our ancestors’ estimates.
Another distinguishing element is that the “angels’ devices” in Great Britain and Ireland were constructed using massive stone blocks, true monoliths intended to remain standing for eternity.
However, this type of construction is not always the best solution, particularly when an “adaptable computing machine” is needed.
The Dacian calendar constructed in the Great Sanctuary of Sarmizegetusa contains wooden poles for its “variable” elements and massive structures of andesite for the fixed ones.
Such a construction is even closer to modern computers, formed by parts that can be easily replaced if necessary.
In their analysis, Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas observed another curious fact.
The megalithic complex at Stonehenge and the Great Sanctuary of Sarmizegetusa have an exact orientation from North to South and East to West, respectively.
Both structures have an exact alignment so that the Sun’s rays can traverse them altogether only one day a year, on December 22, when the Sun’s declination is at its maximum, and the astronomical winter begins.
At Ancient Theory we only use trusted sources to document our articles. Such relevant sources include authentic documents, newspaper and magazine articles, established authors, or reputable websites.
- Book of Enoch. [Source]
- Annette Yoshiko Reed - Fallen Angels and the History of Judaism and Christianity: The Reception of Enochic Literature. Cambridge University Press, 2005.
- Frederick Hedley and Davis Sparks - The Apocryphal Old Testament. Clarendon Press, 1984.
- First Book of Enoch. [Source]
- Sebastian P. Brock A Fragment of Enoch in Syriac. The Journal of Theological Studies, 1968.
- Book of Enoch. [Source]
- Dead Sea Scrolls. [Source]
- Dave Jenkins - What Is the Book of Enoch and Should it be in the Bible?
- J. J. T. Doedens - The Sons of God in Genesis 6:1-4: Analysis and History of Exegesis. Brill, 2019.
- Dave Roos - Who Were the Nephilim, the Bible's Mysterious Race of Giants?
- Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas - Uriel's Machine: Uncovering the Secrets of Stonehenge, Noah's Flood and the Dawn of Civilization. Element Books, 2000.